Something new on the horizon

By Lynne Picard
This has been a unique year. And it continues. The US-Canada border remains closed. Marinas are still operating under Covid-19 protocols. Access to parks and public docks is limited, and entire communities are blocking entry to outsiders. Many boat shows, races and other events have been cancelled; some have gone virtual.But with the beginning of vaccinations last week, hope is in the air that things will before long return to some kind of normal — hope now ominously clouded by fears that new coronavirus variants will be immune. So it goes.
Contrary to everything we expected, this ended up being a pretty reasonable year for our little company. Yes, we slashed e-guide prices for much of 2020 and revenues were down. But unit sales increased, with the guides ending up on the devices of people who might not have found us if they felt comfortable about visiting bookstores. Our Puget Sound and San Juan Islands guides got a boost from American boaters forced to stay home.
Word about Salish Sea Pilot seems to be getting out because people are shut in. It’s hard to celebrate in the misery of others.
Even our ruined plans to sail to Alaska this year had a silver lining. We decided to finally create what many of our users have long been asking for: a guide to the West Coast of Vancouver Island. And we had a fabulous year cruising that coast for research.

The new guide with be released in early spring (February, we hope) along with our full package of updated 2021 guides. We trust you will agree with us that the new guide is filled with the sort of concise, visual and up-to-date information you have come to expect from our e-guides. The west coast of the island is amazing, with remarkable beaches, beautiful anchorages and friendly, if quirky locals — an adventure not to be missed.
The really exciting news is that the new guide will be added to our package of updated 2021 guides. That means Supporters who purchase a new set will get the newest guide at no extra cost. Our Supporter Price for a full set is CA$24.49 (US$19.49), an affordable must-have on every boat.
For those unfamiliar with the Supporter concept, this is how it works: anyone who has purchased a full package of guides since January 2016 is entitled to purchase a new, updated set of guides for the Supporter Price. It’s like a membership with optional annual renewals. Many boaters upgrade every year, some skip years. For the cost of a burger and beers, boaters get expanded coverage and the latest info on marinas and anchorages in the Salish Sea and beyond. More about the Supporter Price.
For those who don’t yet qualify for the Supporter Price, a seven-guide 2021 package including the Gulf Islands, San Juan Islands, Desolation Sound, Sunshine Coast, Puget Sound, Broughton Archipelago and West Coast of Vancouver Island, with detailed chartlets for hundreds of anchorages and marinas, will still cost barely more than a single paper guide. As always, our guides can be installed on all your computers, laptops and mobile devices.
What’s more, after November 1, 2020, anyone who purchases guides, whether singles or a complete set, regular or Supporter Price, will receive free upgrades to 2021 versions of their purchase when our new guides come out. And, of course, if you buy a complete package, your new set will include the new West Coast of Vancouver Island guide.
Thanks and stay safe.