New Bute Island stern ties

but new stern tie pins and chain have changed that.
Eight, in fact, have been installed along the western shore of Bute Island, north of the Dunsmuir Islands, by the Cowichan Valley Regional District. This was accomplished with financial, technical and material help from the BC Marine Parks Forever Society which has been instrumental in the expansion of moorage systems for pleasure boaters in the Gulf Islands and Desolation Sound.
The stern tie pins are driven into the bedrock along the foreshore of the island, allowing boaters to anchor just off the island, with a stern line attached to chain that hangs from the pins. This protects the environment by reducing damage to trees to which boaters often tie lines.

and the waters near Sibell Bay.
“The BC Marine Parks Forever Society is pleased to participate in this project to add to the number of stern ties available to boaters on the BC coast,” said Jim Phillips, president of the society. “The society has donated over $130,000 for the installation of stern ties since 2015 and looks to continue its efforts with federal, provincial, and municipal governments, to improve the environmental and safety aspects for all boaters.”
Bute Island was acquired by the CVRD in 2018 as the first step in establishing the Ladysmith Harbour Islands Regional Park. The island is encircled by an informal trail with access to the marine foreshore at low tide. ~~~