Evicted boaters get reprieve

At a virtual meeting on Thursday, tenants at Mosquito Creek Marina say representatives of the Nch’ḵay̓ Development Corp, an arm of the Squamish First Nation which owns the facility, told them that people living permanently on boats or in converted boat sheds would be allowed to stay.
Earlier this week, about 400 boatowners were told they would have to leave the marina due to safety concerns because deteriorating docks requiring “critical repairs, which will begin immediately, are needed to stabilize them for the winter.”
However, other boatowners who have moorage at the marina, but are not liveaboards, will still have to vacate.
To be clear, only the liveaboards + liveaboard boat shed owners get a reprieve; which is better than nothing but still leaves a few hundred non-liveaboard slip tenants and boat shed owners hanging. All of the rest of us are completely our own for (trying at) finding moorage, to be out by May 31.